Broad-Spectrum Antibiotic

Soluble Powder


The synergistic action of the active ingredients in AMOXIFLOX is involved in the treatment and control of urinary, respiratory, and soft tissue infections in birds and pigs caused by Campylobacter, Escherichia coli, Haemophilus, Mycoplasma, Pasteurella, Salmonella, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Streptococcus suis, Pasteurella multocida.


Each 1 kg contains:

Amoxicillin Trihydrate 200g

Ciprofloxacin HCL 200g

Excipients q.s.p 1 kg


100g Sachet

1 kg Bag

25 kg Sack

Mechanism of Action:


A broad-spectrum aminopenicillin that exerts its bactericidal effect by inhibiting the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall, destroying its integrity. The mechanism of action is achieved by the binding of penicillins to so-called penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) present in bacteria, disrupting functional and structural units of the bacterial membrane. Penicillins work better on actively growing bacteria that are actively generating their bacterial wall.

Ciprofloxacin: Broad-spectrum antibiotic with bactericidal activity that inhibits bacterial DNA replication and transcription. The mechanism of action occurs through the inhibition of two enzymes called topoisomerases: type II or DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV, preventing the bacteria from producing proteins necessary for their replication, growth, and reproduction, leading to bacterial death. When it exerts its effect on topoisomerase II, it affects Gram-negative bacteria, while affecting topoisomerase IV, it affects Gram-positive bacteria.

Administration and Dosage

Oral route, dissolve AMOXIFLOX in water and provide it as the sole source of drinking water.

Birds and pigs: 6.5 g of AMOXIFLOX in 10 liters of water, every 24 hours for 3 to 5 consecutive days or as recommended by the Veterinarian. (Therapeutic dose for amoxicillin: 10 – 25 mg/kg; ciprofloxacin: 5 – 20 mg/kg; may vary depending on the drinking water consumption in birds and pigs).

Withdrawal period:

Meat: 10 days.

Warnings and Contraindications

Do not administer to birds producing eggs for human consumption.

Contradicted in animals with a history of hypersensitivity to the active ingredients.

Do not administer to animals with septicemia, shock, or other severe pathologies where the intestinal absorption of the antibiotic is significantly reduced.

Do not administer penicillins along with tetracyclines, macrolides, or similar drugs, as they are antagonistic.

Do not use the product after the expiration date.

The main causes of antibiotic resistance are sub-dosing or over-dosing.

Store in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 30°C, protected from light.


Deprive animals of all sources of water in the hours before administration to encourage the complete consumption of the solution.

Once the solution is prepared, administer it immediately and do not store any leftovers.

It is recommended to check the pH of the water, as it can affect the solubility of the active ingredient, bioavailability, and stability.

Cleaning of pipes, drinkers, and others is essential for the effectiveness of treatment.

It is a matter of responsibility to administer antibiotics at therapeutic doses to achieve optimal plasma and tissue concentrations.

Prescription required by a Veterinarian.

Keep out of reach of children and domestic animals.