Mucolytic and Expectorant

Oral Solution


Supportive therapy in the treatment and control of respiratory diseases characterized by excessive mucus production. This includes cases of bronchopneumonia in cattle, horses, and pigs, as well as chronic bronchitis in dogs and respiratory conditions with the production of thick mucus in birds. It can be used alone or in combination with antibiotics.


Belongs to the benzylamine class with mucoregulatory properties. The mechanism of action involves regulating the production of bronchial mucus, often increasing its net quantity and reducing its viscosity, thereby improving mucus flow. It also enhances the tracheobronchial ciliary activity, facilitating the access of antibiotics and antimicrobials to the site of infection. Another attributable effect is an increase in the levels of immunoglobulins in respiratory secretions of the airway.


Corresponds to a compound with expectorant properties. The mechanism of action involves a direct action on mucus, altering its colloidal phase, allowing an increase in the aqueous phase of the secretory film, thereby promoting increased mucus secretion to the outside.


Birds: 0.25 – 0.50 mL of RESPICLEAN®/ in 1 liter of water, for 3 to 5 days, every 24 hours or as directed by a Veterinarian.

Administered directly into the animal’s mouth:

Cattle and Horses: 20 – 25 mL/animal (1 mL per 20 kg of body weight).

Calves and Foals: 6.0 – 7.5 mL/animal (1.5 per 10 kg of body weight).

Pigs: 10 mL/animal (1 mL per 10 kg of body weight).

Dogs: 2 – 4 mL/animal (2 mL per 10 kg of body weight).

Cats: 0.5 mL/animal (0.5 mL per 2.5 kg of body weight).

Treatment in all cases should be administered every 24 hours for 3 to 5 days or as directed by a Veterinarian.

Withdrawal Period:

Meat: Cattle: 1 day Birds: 2 days. Pigs: No withdrawal period required.


Each 1 liter contains:

Bromhexine Hydrochloride 5g

Eucalyptol 10g

Excipients q.s.p 1L


Bottle x 1 L

Canister x 20 L


Orally in drinking water.


Do not use in poultry producing eggs for human consumption.

Do not administer to animals producing milk for human consumption.

Do not use the product after the expiration date.


Deprive birds of all water sources in the hours before administration to encourage complete consumption of the solution.

Once the solution is prepared, administer it immediately and do not store any leftovers.

It is recommended to check the pH of the water, as it can affect the solubility of the active ingredient, bioavailability, and stability.

Cleaning of pipes, drinkers, and other equipment is essential for the effectiveness of the treatment.

Keep out of reach of children and domestic animals.

Store in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 30°C, protected from light.

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