Injectable Solution

B Complex


For the treatment of deficiencies in B complex vitamins and as an adjuvant in the treatment of diseases of any origin (organic, infectious, and parasitic) that cause anemia, metabolic disorders, and general weakness.


Cattle and horses: 15 – 20 mL.

Calves, foals, and pigs: 5 – 10 mL.

Sheep, goats, and dogs: 2 – 5 mL.

Cats: 1 – 2 mL.

Repeat daily for 3 to 5 days.


Each mL contains:

Vitamin B1 10 mg

Vitamin B2 4 mg

Vitamin B3 60 mg

Vitamin B5 5 mg

Vitamin B6 4 mg

Vitamin B7 0.1 mg

Vitamin B12 0.05 mg

Excipients q.s.p 1 Ml


Bottle x 10 mL

Bottle x 20 mL

Bottle x 50 mL

Bottle x 100 mL

Bottle x 250 mL


Intramuscular and slow intravenous.


Store in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 30°C, protected from light. Dispose of containers in authorized locations. Keep out of the reach of children and domestic animals.

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