Injectable Solution




For the prevention and treatment of metabolic and reproductive disorders caused by the deficiency of macro and microelements in cattle, horses, pigs, and sheep. Its selenium content helps prevent cases of infertility, absent heats, and the birth of weak calves. It improves appetite, shortens the calving interval, increases the conception rate, maintains milk production, and assists in preventing placental retention. In males, it improves semen production and quality.



Cattle – Horses: 20 mL

Sheep – Pigs: 5 – 10 mL

Treatment duration: 3 days or as per the Veterinarian’s discretion.



Each mL contains:

Calcium Glycerophosphate 13,300 mg, Iron Glycerophosphate 20,000 mg, Magnesium Glycerophosphate 26,660 mg, Vitamin B1 3,333 mg, Vitamin B2 1,333 mg, Vitamin B6 0.660 mg, Vitamin B12 0.050 mg, Biotin 0.033 mg, Nicotinamide (Niacin) 20 mg, Panthenol 1,666 mg, Iron Dextran 37,780 mg, Sodium Arsenate 0.992 mg, Sodium Selenite 0.210 mg, and Excipients q.s.p. 1 mL



Bottle of 20 mL

Bottle of 100 mL

Bottle of 500 mL



Deep intramuscular route.



Use only the indicated dose. Once opened, do not store for an extended period. Use aseptic precautions. Store in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 30°C, protected from light. Keep out of the reach of children and domestic animals. Over-the-counter sale.