Oral Solution



For the control of stress generated in handling situations, high production, adverse environments, intense work, it promotes the recovery of convalescent animals, corrects deficiency states and nutritional imbalances during pregnancy and lactation in cattle, horses, swine, sheep, guinea pigs, rabbits, and poultry. Improves vigor and production indices in poultry, increasing weight gain and egg laying. In beekeeping, it is recommended to increase hive population, improving production.


Cattle, horses, swine, sheep: 1 to 2 mL per 10 kg of body weight, dissolved in drinking water or directly into the animal’s mouth.

Poultry, rabbits, and guinea pigs: 1 to 2 mL per liter of drinking water. In these species, it is recommended to administer every 24 hours for 5 days or as directed by the Veterinarian.

Bees: 5 mL of product dissolved in a 100% sucrose solution, in each hive.


Vitamin A 1,650 IU, Vitamin D3 20,000 IU, Vitamin C 0.125 mg, Vitamin B1 1,750 mg, Vitamin B2 2,500 mg, Vitamin B3 16,250 mg, Vitamin B5 7,500 mg, Vitamin B6 1,250 mg, Vitamin B8 0.010 mg, Vitamin B12 0.0014 mg, Arginine 6,100 mg, Cysteine 2,100 mg, Phenylalanine 3,000 mg, Histidine 3,000 mg, Isoleucine 6,000 mg, Leucine 8,700 mg, Lysine 9,500 mg, Methionine 2,200 mg, Threonine 5,000 mg, Tryptophan 2,000 mg, Valine 6,200 mg, Sodium Citrate 0.300 mg, Potassium Chloride 0.300 mg, Sodium Chloride 0.500 mg, and Excipients qs 1 mL.


Dropper Bottle 30 mL

Bottle 1000 mL

Gallon Container 20 liters


Oral, dissolved in drinking water or directly into the animal’s mouth.


Once the product is diluted in drinking water, it is recommended to deprive animals of any other water source in the hours leading up to administration to encourage complete consumption. Once the solution is prepared, administer it immediately, do not store leftovers. Store in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 30°C, protected from light. Keep out of reach of children.

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