Broad-Spectrum Antibiotic

Oral Solution


Given the wide spectrum of action of levofloxacin (a third-generation fluoroquinolone) as well as its clinically advantageous pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic characteristics and low toxicity, it is indicated for the treatment of infectious diseases caused by gram-positive, gram-negative, and mycoplasma microorganisms.

An antibacterial agent that exerts its bactericidal activity by inhibiting the function of bacterial topoisomerases. Inhibition of the activity of these enzymes prevents the bacterial cell from producing proteins required for its growth and reproduction, leading to bacterial death.

There are four types of topoisomerases, fluoroquinolones act against gram-positive bacteria at the level of topoisomerase IV and against gram-negative bacteria, they have action on DNA gyrase (topoisomerase II).


Therapeutic dose is 10 – 20 mg/kg.

1 mL of LEVOFLOX per 1 L of constant drinking water or 1 mL of LEVOFLOX per 10 kg of body weight per day, for 3 or 5 days, or as directed by the Veterinarian. It is suggested to deprive animals of any water source in the hours prior to administration to encourage total consumption of the product.

Withdrawal Period:

Poultry: 5 days.

Swine: 7 days.


Each 1 mL contains:

Levofloxacin 100 mg

Excipients q.s.p 1 mL


Dropper bottle 30 mL

Bottle 1 L


Oral, diluted in drinking water.


Do not administer to egg-producing poultry intended for human consumption.

Do not administer to animals with a history of hypersensitivity to the active ingredient.

Do not administer to young animals or those with cartilage growth abnormalities.

Once the solution is prepared, administer it immediately and do not store any leftovers.

Do not use the product after the expiration date.

The main causes of antibacterial resistance are underdosing or overdosing.


It is recommended to check the pH of the water, as it can affect the solubility of the active ingredient, bioavailability, and stability.

Cleaning of pipes, drinkers, and other equipment is essential for treatment efficacy. Store in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 30°C, protected from light.

Keep out of the reach of children and domestic animals.

Prescription required.