Rat and Mouse Poison


A powerful rodenticide formulated with cereals, fresh grains, and encapsulated warfarin, which prevents rodents from detecting the poison while they consume the product. Warfarin causes hemorrhaging in rats and mice, leading to their death and preventing putrefaction and foul odor.


Place in small quantities every 2 or 3 meters apart in areas where rat and mouse burrows have been observed. Ensure that rodents are consuming RATIFIN for several days to exterminate them.


Each 25 g contains:

Warfarin 37.5 mg Excipients q.s.p. 25 g.


Packet of 25 g

Bundle of 1 kg

Bucket of 60 packets




Toxic Product. Lethal Dose LD50%. Dogs: 10 mg/kg Cats: 5-50 mg/kg Pigs: 3 mg/kg Rats: 50-100 mg/kg Humans: 500 mg/kg

Avoid consumption of the product by other domestic animals. Do not transport or store with food and medications. In case of accidental ingestion, seek medical attention. ANTIDOTE: Vitamin K, accompanied by blood transfusions. Store in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 30°C, protected from light. Keep out of the reach of children and domestic animals.

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