AD3E-JB Injectable Vitamins

Injectable Solution



For the prevention and treatment of reproductive disorders, skin and mucous membrane abnormalities, delayed growth, and other diseases caused by inadequate intake of vitamins AD3E in cattle, horses, sheep, goats, and pigs.


Calves and Foals: 1-2 mL

Cattle and Horses: 2-4 mL

Pigs: 1-2 mL

Sheep and Goats: 1-2 mL

In fattening or breeding animals, the dose can be repeated every 2-3 months.


Each mL contains:

Vitamin A 500,000 IU, Vitamin D3 75,000 IU, Vitamin E 50 IU, and Excipients q.s.p. 1 mL


Bottle with 20 mL

Bottle with 100 mL

Bottle with 250 mL

Bottle with 500 mL


Cattle and pigs: Deep intramuscular or subcutaneous , all other species only deep intramuscular.


In case of allergic reactions, use epinephrine or antihistamines. Store in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 30°C, protected from light. Do not keep leftovers. Keep out of the reach of children and domestic animals. Free sale.