Soluble Powder



Sulfadimethoxine is a potent, long-acting sulfonamide highly effective in controlling and treating coccidiosis and bacterial infections in calves, pigs, sheep, poultry, and rabbits. It is also effective against salmonellosis and avian cholera. At recommended levels, SULFAVIT dissolves quickly in water, is palatable, and has a low toxicity index. SULFAVIT does not impact the development and laying of birds like traditional sulfas.


Chickens and Hens Coccidiosis, Infectious Coryza, Avian Cholera 2 g per liter of water


Chickens and Hens Salmonellosis 4 g per liter of water
Turkeys Coccidiosis, Avian Cholera, Respiratory Infections 1 g per liter of water


Calves and Sheep Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Rhinitis, Enteritis, Gastroenteritis, Transport Fever, Streptococcosis, Coccidiosis 2 g per 10 kg of body weight in feed or dissolved in water.
Pigs and Rabbits Gastroenteritis, Pneumonia, Streptococcosis, Coccidiosis 3-6 g per 1 kg of feed

NOTE: All treatments should last for 6 consecutive days.


Withdrawal Period:

Meat: Poultry and rabbits 5 days Calves, pigs, and sheep 7 days.


Each 100 g contains:

Sulfadimethoxine Sodium 25,000 mg, Vitamin A 600,000 IU, Vitamin K 500 mg, and Excipients q.s.p. 100 g.


Packets of 20 g

Jar of 100 g

Bucket of 2.5 kg


Dilute in drinking water or mix with feed.


Once the solution or mixture is prepared, it should be used within the next 12 hours. Do not store any leftovers. Store in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 30°C, protected from light. Keep out of the reach of children and domestic animals.

Prescription required.